To all my readers,
Happy New Year!! Yes, I know I have been away for quite some time. I sincerely apologize for my severe hiatus. Personal issues and, of course, the recent holidays caused me some terrible headaches when it came to doing any writing. But I am back and determined to put some new vigor in my blogging. I will post more often to this blog and do my best to make sure it is writing that is of interest to you and that conveys my great passion for the subject.
To be honest, upon starting my blog I also let my insecurities get the best of me. I felt for a time as though I did not have enough experience to write this blog. I’m not a “digital nomad” and I don’t travel 365 days a year to exotic locations across the globe. So, I felt a bit discouraged. However, I have come to realize that although that isn’t the case, I really have a lot more in common with most of you who are reading this than others who do travel nonstop. I am someone who, although I have a real passion for travel, has a full time job and a life with responsibilities I have to deal with, etc. In all likelihood you do as well. So when I speak about travel it is from the same viewpoint as you have- someone who doesn’t have an infinite amount of time to get to know a place and the culture of the area. But what I do hope to do in my writing is show the ways in which travel can truly enhance your life and your well being and to demonstrate why, given the limited time we all have to do so, it should be made a priority in your life.
In this new year, I hope I can inspire you and entertain you; make you laugh and maybe think a little; and above all, open your mind to the possibilities that could await you in the coming year if you choose to embrace travel as I have.
Thank you and best wishes to you all for a happy and prosperous New Year! May your travel dreams come true!
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